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Player metrics

The below events are emitted by the Bambuser Live Shopping player, for the purpose of reporting metrics.

There are two ways of accessing player metrics data:

  1. Listening to events emitted
  2. Picking up event data through dataLayer

All events and interactions are listed further down.

Listening to events

By registering an event listener on the top window of the page that you have the player embedded in, all player events/user interactions will be dispatched under bambuser-liveshop-tracking-point event name.

Example: To see a preview of how it works, you can run the below code in a browser console and open the player separately.

  window.addEventListener('bambuser-liveshop-tracking-point', ( {detail}) => {
console.log(detail.event); // e.g. "on-load"
console.log(; // example output shown below

Example output : Full sample data of like interaction payload

showId: "XXXXX",
orgId: "YYYYY",
title: "THE SHOW TITLE",
timeline: {
broadcastLength: 119,
isLive: false,
percentWatchedOfShow: 24.751646978557506,
relativeTime: 52.033333,
relativeTimeOfShow: 126.97594900000001,
serverTime: "2020-04-14T10:40:55.869Z",
showLength: 513,
interactionType: "like",
count: 1,

Picking up events data from dataLayer

It is possible to pick up all the player events (including Conversion tracking event) from the dataLayer object.


  • dataLayer object is available

    Ensure that you have the Tag Manager container code included in the landing page that you have the Player embedded in. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics that use the dataLayer object can pick up Bambuser events from there. For other tools such as Adobe Analytics, Tealium, etc., that have other namings for the data layer object, you need to implement a bridge from the dataLayer to the relevant data layer object to your tracking tool.

  • Add tracking library

    You should add the following script-tag in the pages you have the LiveShopping player embedded.

    <script src=""></script>

    It adds more tracking features such as pushing player metric events to the dataLayer. This liberary has a very small size of 4kB which does not affect your website performance.



Emitted when the app has loaded all dependencies and is good to go.

showId: "SHOW_ID",
viewerUserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0",
playerEmbedUrl: "",


Emitted when countdown/pre-screen is shown.

showId: "SHOW_ID",
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
viewerUserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0",
playerEmbedUrl: "",


Emitted when the player has been initialized and video starts playing.

showId: "SHOW_ID",
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
timeline: {...},
isLive: true,
viewerDevice: "desktop",
viewerUserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0",
isMuted: false,
appReadyTimeToSucceed: 1283, // Miliseconds


Emitted when the player stops the end of the video.

showId: "SHOW_ID",
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
timeline: {...},
isLive: true,


Emitted when the user interacts with the app (see below).


The on-interaction event can be of any of the following interactionType:

Mute the player

User mutes the player.

  • interactionType: muted
interactionType: "muted",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Unmute the player

User unmutes the player.

  • interactionType: unmuted
interactionType: "unmuted",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Pause a show

User pauses video.

  • interactionType: pause
interactionType: "pause",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Resume a show

User restarts video after having paused it.

  • interactionType: resume
interactionType: "resume",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",


User taps send a heart. If the user rapidly likes multiple times, a single event may be sent with the number of likes described by the property count in the event data.

  • interactionType: like
count: 3,
interactionType: "like",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",


  1. User taps the share button/icon.

    • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:{share-type}


    • share
    • share-native


    • action-bar
    • pending-curtain
    interactionType: "action-bar:share",
    orgId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
    shareUuid: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"
    showId: "SHOW_ID",
    timeline: {...},
    title: "SHOW_TITLE",
    interactionType: "action-bar:share-native",
    actionSuccess: true,
    orgId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
    shareUuid: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"
    showId: "SHOW_ID",
    timeline: {...},
    title: "SHOW_TITLE",
Native share device discrepency

Android - share-native is triggered once user clicks on one of the below options. (ex: clicking on Facebook icon in the bambuser player iOS - share-native is triggered once user interacts with the one of the below options. (ex: sharing the link through Facebook)

  1. When user selects a share option
    • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:share:{option}


Option is the channel to which user decided to share the link

  • clipboard
  • whatsapp
  • facebook
  • linkedin
  • twitter
  • email
interactionType: "action-bar:share:facebook",
shareUuid: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Add to Calender

  1. User taps the addToCalendar button.
    • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:addToCalendar.


  • pending-curtain
interactionType: "pending-curtain:addToCalendar",
shareUuid: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
  1. When user selects a calendar option.
    • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:addToCalendar:{option}


Option here is the calendar to which user decided to add the event.

  • google
  • apple
  • outlook
  • ics : Downloads the .ics calendar file
interactionType: "pending-curtain:addToCalendar:apple",
shareUuid: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Send chat message

User sends a chat message (does not contain the actual message)

  • interactionType: chatMessage
interactionType: "chatMessage",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Close the player

User closes the player.

  • interactionType: close
  • player - Dismiss button at the top-right side of the player is clicked
  • outside-player - (On desktop) Outside area of the player is clicked
  • miniplayer - Close button on the minimized player is clicked
actionOrigin: "player",
interactionType: "close",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Minimize the player

Player gets minimized

  • interactionType: minimize
referrerUrl: ""
interactionType: "minimize",
sessionId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
source: "embed",
timeline: {...},
userId: "xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

Maximizes the player

  • interactionType: restore

Player gets maximized from the minimized position

referrerUrl: ""
interactionType: "restore",
sessionId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
source: "embed",
timeline: {...},
userId: "xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",

Show product list

User opens the products list.

  • interactionType: showAllProductsOverlay
actionOrigin: "player",
interactionType: "showAllProductsOverlay",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Hide product list

User hides the products list.

  • interactionType: hideAllProductsOverlay
actionOrigin: "player",
interactionType: "hideAllProductsOverlay",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Product click

User clicks on the products.

  • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:{product-display-target}

Action-origin is the place of the player from where the user click the product.

  • product-list
  • product-highlight


Product-display-target is an action that happens when the user clicks a product. Based on the player setup, different types may get emitted (see below)

  • show-product-detail-in-new-tab (Default)
  • show-product-detail-in-player (Requires cart integration)
  • show-product-detail-behind-player (Requires Miniplayer)
  • show-product-detail-none
interactionType: "product-list:show-product-detail-behind-player",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
vendor: "hydratable-product",
id: "tpl:xxxxxxxxxx",
sku: "123-M-Black",
actionOrigin: "productsList",

Add to cart

User clicks the add-to-cart button Only available if you have cart integration.

  • interactionType: addToCart
interactionType: "addToCart",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
timeline: {...},
items: [
id: "tpl:xxxxxxxxxx",
vendor: "hydratable-product",
sku: "123-M-Black",
quantity: 1,
size: "M",
variation: "Black",
price: {
original: "199",
amount: "149",
currency: "USD",
hasDiscount: true,


User clicks the checkout button

  • interactionType: checkout
interactionType: "checkout",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
title: "SHOW_TITLE",
timeline: {...},
items: [
id: "tpl:xxxxxxxxxx",
vendor: "hydratable-product",
sku: "123-M-Black",
quantity: 1,
size: "M",
variation: "Black",
price: {
original: "199",
amount: "149",
currency: "USD",
hasDiscount: true,
totalCount: 1,
totalPrice: {
amount: 149,
currency: "USD",

Show Cart

User opens the player cart by clicking on the cart icon.

  • interactionType structure: {action-origin}:show-cart
  • action-bar
  • product-detail
interactionType: "action-bar:show-cart",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},

Hide cart

User closes the player cart by clicking on the cart icon from action bar.

  • interactionType structure:{action-origin}:hide-cart
  • action-bar
  • cart-overlay
interactionType: "cart-overlay:hide-cart",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},

Turn on Closed Caption

User enabled the closed caption (if available).

  • interactionType: closedCaptionsOn
interactionType: "closedCaptionsOn",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
textTrackAvailable: true,
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Turn off Closed Caption

User disabled closed captions.

  • interactionType: closedCaptionsOff
interactionType: "closedCaptionsOff",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
textTrackAvailable: true,
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Open Poll

User opened a poll.

  • interactionType: openPoll
interactionType: "openPoll",
pollId: "POLL_ID",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Poll Vote

User voted in a poll.

  • interactionType: pollVote
interactionType: "pollVote",
pollId: "POLL_ID",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

Close Poll

  1. User closed the poll modal (only desktop).

    • interactionType: closePollModal
    interactionType: "closePollModal",
    orgId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
    pollId: "POLL_ID",
    showId: "SHOW_ID",
    timeline: {...},
    title: "SHOW_TITLE",
  2. User closed the poll drawer (only mobile).

    • interactionType: closePollDrawer
    interactionType: "closePollDrawer",
    orgId: "CUSTOMER_ID",
    pollId: "POLL_ID",
    showId: "SHOW_ID",
    timeline: {...},
    title: "SHOW_TITLE",


User clicked replay after the show ends.

  • interactionType: replay
interactionType: "replay",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",


User clicked on timestamp. Only available if you have cart integration.

  • interactionType: timestamp-link
interactionType: "timestamp-link",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",

User clicked on the custom CTA link on the end curtain.

  • interactionType: ended-curtain-cta
interactionType: "ended-curtain-cta",
showId: "SHOW_ID",
timeline: {...},
title: "SHOW_TITLE",


All events' payload includes timeline property. You'll find time-related information about the emitted event within this object.


timeline: {
isLive: true,
relativeTime: 52.033333, // Current watched time of the current *broadcast*
serverTime: "2020-04-14T10:40:55.869Z", // Timestamp of the current scene when it was live


timeline: {
broadcastLength: 119, // Length of the current broadcast
isLive: false,
percentWatchedOfShow: 24.751646978557506,
relativeTime: 52.033333, // Current time of the current *broadcast* in playback
relativeTimeOfShow: 126.975949, // Current time of the whole *show*'s playback
serverTime: "2020-04-14T10:40:55.869Z", // Timestamp of the current scene when it was live
showLength: 513, // Total length of the show (including all broadcasts)

A show consists of one or more broadcasts! Playback of an archived show includes all available broadcasts in the player timeline. You can find the borders between different broadcasts(if available) with a yellow point.

broadcasts of a show