BambuserBroadcaster, BambuserPlayer  1.0.3
Bambuser SDK for iOS 9.0+

Bambuser broadcasting library, BambuserBroadcaster.xcframework

The Bambuser broadcasting library has the following dependencies:


AudioToolbox, AVFoundation, CoreGraphics, CoreLocation, CoreMedia, CoreVideo, Foundation, QuartzCore, SystemConfiguration, UIKit, VideoToolbox, CoreTelephony

The Bambuser library also requires the C++ runtime library. If your application already uses C++ directly, a C++ runtime library will already be linked in, and you don't need to do anything extra. If your application doesn't use C++, you need to add it manually. Add libc++.tbd to the list of linked frameworks and libraries.

Bambuser player library, BambuserPlayer.xcframework

The Bambuser player library has the following dependencies:

AudioToolbox, AVFoundation, CoreMedia, Foundation, UIKit, AVKit

The Bambuser player library also requires the C++ runtime library. If your application already uses C++ directly, a C++ runtime library will already be linked in, and you don't need to do anything extra. If your application doesn't use C++, you need to add it manually. Add libc++.tbd to the list of linked frameworks and libraries.