How to configure an RTMP input application?

A popular way to create video content is to use third party software like Wirecast or OBS or hardware like drones or action cameras. To do this, simply go to the Developer page on the Bambuser Dashboard, create an application with type RTMP and a descriptive title.

Use our RTMP ingest URL and the generated application id value to set up RTMP in your preferred software/device.

Our RTMP ingest URL is always rtmp://

Some software/devices want you to use a concatenated RTMP URL. To make one, just merge the URL with the id value separated by a / like this: url + / + id

e.g. rtmp://, where rtmp:// is our url value and 1234qwerty is your unique application id value.


There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

We have decided to label our values url and id. Names for the same values in other services might be


  • server url
  • address


  • stream
  • stream name
  • stream key

The concept to set up RTMP streaming is more or less the same for all software and devices, even though labels and how the configuration looks may vary.