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This is documentation for Bambuser Live Streaming SDK.

If you're looking for documentation regarding Live Video Shopping (opens new window) , see these pages (opens new window)

Application ID

An Application ID is used for authentication in the Bambuser broadcast and player SDKs, and when broadcasting using RTMP or an embeddable web broadcaster.

By using an Application ID for authentication, the app can be authorized to either broadcast live video, play live video, upload files, or any combination of these.

You can define Applications on dashboard.bambuser.com/developer (opens new window).

You can also programmatically create and manage Applications using our REST API (opens new window).


Applications are configured with a set of permissions that determine what actions the app will be allowed to perform.

By default, an Application defined on the Developer page will be configured with all permissions described below. Contact support@bambuser.com if you require an Application ID with a limited permission set, or use the REST API (opens new window).

Broadcasting permissions

An Application ID with broadcasting permissions lets your app broadcast live video.


When using the Bambuser SDK for Android, pass the Application ID to the Broadcaster() (opens new window) constructor.


When using the Bambuser SDK for iOS, set the BambuserView.applicationId (opens new window) property before starting your broadcast.


An Application ID with type RTMP can be used for broadcasting from software or devices support RTMP. Use the RTMP ingest URL rtmp://ingest.bambuser.io/b-fme and the generated application id. Some software/devices want the values separately, some want them concatenated with a /.


An Application ID with type Web can be used when generating an embeddable web-app broadcaster on the Developer page (opens new window). For more information, see the Web broadcaster app guide.

Upload permissions

An Application ID with upload permissions lets your app upload video and image files.


When using the Bambuser SDK for Android, pass the Application ID to the BackendApi.getUploadTicketForApplicationId() (opens new window) helper method.


When using the Bambuser SDK for iOS, pass the Application ID as shown in the FileUploader class found in the SDK example code.

Both the Android helper classes and iOS examples do uploading through our public upload REST API (opens new window), which you can integrate on any platform you want.

Viewing permissions

An Application ID with viewing permissions lets your app stream live/archived video through the Bambuser SDKs for Android and iOS.


When using the Bambuser SDK for Android, pass the Application ID to the BroadcastPlayer() (opens new window) constructor.


When using the Bambuser SDK for iOS, set the BambuserPlayer.applicationId (opens new window) property.