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Publish your App

1. Deploy your app to your remote servers

Once you app is ready to go, you should deploy your application to your own remote servers.

2. Request App ID

App ID is an unique Bambuser generated ID for your app. When you publish new versions of your app, this ID stays the same. To request App ID, email and include the following:

  • Organization you are associated with
  • Reason of why you are building an app

3. Prepare your app manifest

Change your entry point

Remember to update your entrypoint to a valid url that is accessible from the internet. During development you have probably used something like http://localhost:3000. That needs to be changed in order for your app to work for other users.

"appId": "<APP_ID>",
"appManifest": {
"permissions": [],
"src": {
"type": "module",
"url": ""

Adjust your permissions to the ones your app requires

During development you may have run with allowing all permissions in order to simplify development. While this is fine for development, it is not recommended for production. This is because when a merchant installs your app in their Bam Hub, they will be asked to approve the permissions you have requested. If you request too many permissions, the merchant may not approve your app.

Therefore, before you publish your app, make sure to narrow down the permission only to the ones your app requires.

3. Add your app to Bam Hub

A Bam Hub is the place where employees from the merchant control their settings, use the Bambuser products or install your apps. Each Bam Hub is normally linked with one merchant website, for example their e-com site in a specific country. Merchants can have multiple Bam Hubs, for example one for each country they operate in, but they can also use more or less depending on their needs.

A merchant will need to install your app in each Bam Hub they want it to be available in.

App Configurations

When you add an app to a Bam Hub, each Bam Hub will have their specific configuration in bamhub.config.json.

Some apps may require configuration to be set up before they can be used. This may be things as simple as a color scheme or more complex things like API keys.

In the development file bam-app.config.js you can set up development values for these configurations. When the merchant installs your app, you will have to provide them with their own values of these fields per Bam Hub.

Example of what you (App developer) will need to share with Bambuser:

"orgId": "<BAMHUB_ORG_ID>",
"appId": "<APP_ID>",
"appConfig": {
"myOwnVariable1": "someValue1",
"myOwnVariable2": "someValue2"
Organization ID

Merchant's organization ID can be found in Bambuser dashboard URL



Bambuser App Framework is in its early stages and we are currently working on a marketplace where merchants can find and install apps. Until the marketplace is ready, you will need to communicate with the merchant to make them aware of your app and provide your app manifest to Bambuser when the merchant is ready to install the app.