Video Consultation
The following pages are documentation for the Video Consultation solution.
The Calls Widget is a video call solution with shopping elements integrated through frontend JavaScript. The widget contains both mandatory and optional features and can be accustomed after your specific needs.
The solution supports calls to be initiated in different ways.
Out of the box, Video Consultation product offers a drop in solution where queues can be configured in the Bambuser Workspace. It is also possible to integrate your own booking system to use the Video Consultation solution for scheduled calls.
Incoming calls are being managed from the Bambuser hosted Agent Tool which is available on desktop and mobile apps (iOS and Android)
The boilerplate code below can be used for inspiration as well as a quick try out of main functionalities of the Calls Widget. This code includes:
- One dummy product to demonstrate how to provide product data to call
- Template for you helper methods
- Example of Cart Integration
- Miniplayer configuration
For the Calls Widget initiation to work, you will need to enter your own organizationID (orgId
Your organization ID can be found in Bambuser workspace URL ([orgId]/...
Boilerplate Code
<!-- CTA to initiate the Calls Widget -->
<button id="start-one-to-one">Get in touch with us</button>
// ======================================== Dummy product object ==============================================
const dummyProductObject = {
"productId": "1111",
"title": "Bambuser Hoodie",
"description": "World's best hoodie",
"brand": "Bambuser",
"price": 100,
"details": [
"Loose fit",
"Cropped length",
"Functional fabric with soft-touch"
"slug": "/product/1737/bambuser-hoodie/",
"collection": "Super soft series",
"original_price": 150,
"rating": {
"averageRating": 4,
"maxValue": 5,
"numberOfRatings": 23
"comparableAttributes": [{
"name": "Wool",
"comparableAttributesId": 1,
"value": "100%"
"name": "Washing Temperature",
"comparableAttributesId": 2,
"value": "40 degrees"
"relatedProducts": [{
"title": "Bambuser Cap",
"sku": "2222",
"thumbnail": "",
"price": 30
"title": "Bambuser Tote Bag",
"sku": "3333",
"thumbnail": "",
"price": 5
"options": [{
"name": "Color",
"optionId": 1,
"values": [
"name": "Size",
"optionId": 2,
"values": [
"variants": [{
"variationId": "1111-black-small",
"title": "Black Bambuser Hoodie",
"slug": "/product/1737/bambuser-hoodie/?attribute_color=Black&attribute_size=Small",
"option1": "Black",
"option2": "Small",
"available": true,
"price": 100,
"original_price": 150,
"images": [
"variationId": "1111-white-small",
"title": "White Bambuser Hoodie",
"slug": "/product/1737/bambuser-hoodie/?attribute_color=White&attribute_size=Small",
"option1": "White",
"option2": "Small",
"available": false,
"price": 100,
"original_price": 150,
"images": [
//======================================== Define your own helper methods ==============================================
const storeApi = {};
// Retrieve the product and return the details
storeApi.getProduct = (productIdentifier) => {
// TODO: Implement your logic for fetching your own product object
// e.g. fetch('/products/[productIdentifier]', { method: 'GET' });
return Promise.resolve(dummyProductObject);
// Add product to the native cart by SKU
// Return the result (success and reason in case of failure)
storeApi.addToCart = (sku) => {
// TODO: Implement your logic for adding a product variation to your native cart
// e.g. fetch('/cart/add', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ sku: sku, quantity: 1 }) });
return Promise.resolve({ success: true });
// Update the quantity of a product in the native cart by SKU
// Return the result (success and reason in case of failure)
storeApi.updateItemInCart = (sku, quantity) => {
// TODO: Implement your logic for updating your native cart
// e.g. fetch('/cart/update', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ sku: sku, quantity: quantity }) });
return Promise.resolve({ success: true });
// Remove the product from your native cart by SKU
// Return the result (success and reason in case of failure)
storeApi.removeItemFromCart = (sku, quantity) => {
// TODO: Implement your logic for removing the product from your native cart
// e.g. fetch('/cart/remove', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ sku: sku, quantity: 0 }) });
return Promise.resolve({ success: true });
//======================================== Bambuser onReady Handler ==============================================
window.onBambuserOneToOneReady = function(BambuserOneToOneEmbed) {
// This method will be invoked when embed.js has loaded and Bambuser
// Calls API is available.
// Creating an instance directly will allow to detect connect links
// that will automatically open the Live Meeting overlay on page load.
let oneToOneEmbed = new BambuserOneToOneEmbed({
// queue: 'QUEUE_ID_HERE', //if not specified, default queue configured from the workspace will get applied
// The Overlay Widget (OLW) is an easy way to guide more visitors into the Calls Widget.
// By appearing automatically after configurable amount of seconds it guides visitors towards sales help at the right time.
smartVariantOverride: 'Video', // force variant 'Video'. Other options are 'Avatar' and 'Side dock'
triggers: [
'smart', // activate the overlay widget
'connect-link' // activate the connect link - unrelated to OLW, yet mandatory
popupTimeoutSeconds: '5', // after how many seconds OLW appears on the first time page load (default = 60)
// Below information will be presented to the Agent during a call
// You can either provide Build-in properties or custom properties
// A full list of build in properties can be found on
data: {
firstName: "Joe",
lastName: "Doe",
"Custom Field": "Test",
// Bambuser follow ISO 639-1 Code + "-" + ISO 3166-2 as standard locale format.
// The value should be of type string
locale: 'en-US', // Calls Widget language translation for the end user (default='en-US')
allowFirstPartyCookies: true, // Configures if embed script is allowed to write first party cookies for tracking purposes (default=true)
enableScanning: true, // Agent app will scan for barcodes and QR codes when adding product through scanning (default=false)
// Connect CTA button to open Calls Widget overlay.
let button = document.querySelector('#start-one-to-one');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {;
// The Calls Widget triggeres 'provide-product-data' event when:
// 1. When an Agent enters a product identifier in the Agent Tool UI
// 2. When an Agent clicks on the "Recent Product" in the Agent Tool UI
// 3. When an Agent clicks on the "Related Product" in the Agent Tool UI
oneToOneEmbed.on("provide-product-data", (event) => {
id: bambuserId
}) => {
// Mandatory to handle at least URL and SKU
// Use the references provided above to fetch your product object
// Provide product data to the widget using the methods below.
// type: "url" | "product-reference" | "scanned-code"
// let sku;
// if (type === "url") {
// sku = yourMethodToTransformUrlToSku(ref)
// } else if (type === "scanned-code") {
// sku = yourMethodToTransformBarcodeToSku(ref)
// } else if (type === "product-reference") {
// sku = ref;
// }
// Fetch your product object
storeApi.getProduct(ref).then(yourProduct => {
// Product mapping
oneToOneEmbed.updateProduct(bambuserId, (productFactory) => {
return (
// Mandatory
// currency of the product
// Mandatory
// locale that product is localized to
// Mandatory
// The product method contains a new chain
// these are methods specific to this actual product
.product((detailFactory) =>
// Optional
// Name of the product
// Optional
// Sku of your product
// Optional
// Define the index of specific variation
// which will be selected by default when
// agent fetches a product
// Example:
//.defaultVariationIndex(yourMethodToGetVariationIndex(ref, type))
// Mandatory
// Description for the product
// Preferred
// URL for product
.url(window.location.origin + yourProduct.slug)
// Mandatory
// The attributes method contains a new chain
// returned array defines any dimensions (e.g. color, size,...) of your product
.attributes((attribute) => {
return =>
// Mandatory if your products contain more than one variant
// Attribute identifier
// Optional - If not provided, above specifed attribute identifier will replace it
// Localized name of the attribute
// This will show as a dropdown label in agent tool
// The options method contains a new chain
// Returned array available options of the dimension
.options((option) => =>
// Mandatory
// Option identifier
// Optional
// If not provided, above specifed option identifier will replace it
// Localized name of the option
// This will show as an option inside a dropdown in agent tool
// Mandatory
// The variations method contains a new chain
// Returned array defines variants (e.g. colors) of your product
.variations((variationFactory) => =>
// Mandatory
// The variationFactory method contains a new chain
// These are methods specific to this actual product variation
// Mandatory
// Name of the variation
// Preferred
// URL for variation
.url(window.location.origin + variation.slug)
// Optional
// Displayed below the price of the product
// Mandatory
// sku (or any other identifier for your product)
// specific down to this variation
// Optional
// Set whether this variation is in stock
// if false, the product wont be able to get added to the cart
// and it will get "Sold out" label when shown in the call
// Mandatory
// list of image urls for the variation
// ordered the same as you want it displayed
// NOTE:
// Provided images will be compressed to optimize call performance
// If your product images are loading slowly / not loading
// Read more about this in FAQ section under Provide Product Data:
// Optional
// The price method contains a new chain
// Defines price for the specific variation
.price((priceFactory) =>
// Optional
// original price (in case current is a sale price)
// Mandatory
// current price of the product
// Mandatory if your products contain more than one variant
// The attributes method contains a new chain
// Returned array defines attributes for the unique variation
.attributes((attribute) => =>
// Mandatory
// Attribute identifier and option identifier that identifies the variation
variation["option" + attr.optionId]
// Optional
// List of extra specifications to show when comparing products.
// These will show on top of already specified attributes above
.comparableAttributes((attribute) => =>
// Mandatory inside comparableAttributes()
// Comparable Attribute identifier and its value
attribute(compAttr.comparableAttributesId, compAttr.value)
// Optional
// If not provided, the above specifed attribute identifier will replace it
// Localized name of the comparable attribute
// This will show as an attribute name when comparing products
// Optional
// List of related products
// that will be shown in agent product information view
.relatedProducts((relatedProductFactory) => =>
// Mandatory inside relatedProducts()
// The relatedProductFactory method contains a new chain
// These are methods specific to this actual related product
// Mandatory inside relatedProductFactory()
// Title of the related product
// Mandatory inside relatedProductFactory()
// SKU of the related product
// If agent clicks on the related product, the "provide-product-data" event
// will get triggered and pass this specific SKU as a reference
// Mandatory inside relatedProductFactory()
// string of the thumbnail image url for the related product
// Mandatory inside relatedProductFactory()
// The price method contains a new chain
// Defines price for the specific variation
.price(priceFactory =>
// Mandatory inside priceFactory
// current price of the product
// Optional
// Unique selling points of the variant or product
// displayed on the product display page
// Options:
// BULLETS - expect an array
// PARAGRAPH - expects a string
.details(detail => [
(details) => details))
// Optional
// The rating method contains a new chain
// Defines rating for the specific variant or product
/// Rating are displayed as stars
.rating(ratingFactory =>
// Mandatory inside ratingFactory
// Specify number max value
// This equal to the amount of total stars
// For best UI experience we do not recommend exceeding 10
// Mandatory inside ratingFactory
// Average rating of your product
// This equals to how many amount of total stars are filled
// Should be equal or lower than the maxValue
// Optional
// Number rating of your variant or product
// Displayed next to the star ratings
// The Calls Widget triggeres 'should-add-item-to-cart' event when:
// 1. When an agent clicks on Add to Cart button inside the agent tool
oneToOneEmbed.on('should-add-item-to-cart', (addedItem, callback) => {
.then(() => callback(true))
.catch(error => {
if (error.message === yourOutOfStockErrorMessage) {
// Unsuccessful due to 'out of stock'!
success: false,
reason: "out-of-stock",
} else {
// Unsuccessful due to other problems
// The Calls Widget triggeres 'should-update-item-in-cart' event when:
// 1. Whenever the agent modifies product quantity in the virtual cart inside Agent Tool
// 2. Whenever the agent adds the same product to the cart that is already in the widget cart
oneToOneEmbed.on('should-update-item-in-cart', (updatedItem, callback) => {
if (updatedItem.quantity > 0) {
sku: updatedItem.sku,
quantity: updatedItem.quantity,
.then(() => {
// cart update was successful
.catch(error => {
if (error.message === yourOutOfStockErrorMessage) {
// Unsuccessful due to 'out of stock'!
success: false,
reason: "out-of-stock",
} else {
// Unsuccessful due to other problems
// user wants to remove the product from the cart
if (updatedItem.quantity === 0) {
.then(() => {
// successfully deleted item
.catch(() => {
// failed to delete item
// The Calls Widget triggeres 'goto-checkout' event when:
// 1. When the customer clicks the Checkout button inside the Calls Widget's virtual cart
oneToOneEmbed.on('goto-checkout', (event) => {
// You have two options to open the checkout page:
// OPTION 1:
// Open checkout url in the same tab (enabled miniplayer)
// The miniplayer player might not be compatible with all websites. Read more about how it works here:
oneToOneEmbed.floatAbove(window.location.origin + "/cart");
// OPTION 2:
// Open checkout url in new tab and allow call to continue in current tab
// + '/cart', '_blank');
<script id="bambuser-one-to-one" async src=""></script>
If you are not familiar with Bambuser Video Consultation product, watch the video below to get an idea of what it looks like.