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Player Integration with Native SDK for Android


The Bambuser Live Video Shopping Player SDK for Android is a native library that lets you embed your Bambuser shows on your native Android app. This SDK is a dedicated Android Activity meant to be run on mobile phones and tablets.

Using the native player SDK, you can embed and run Bambuser Live Video Shopping streams on your native mobile apps. It has features that will let users interact with the Bambuser's shows, such as chat, product highlighting, and picture-in-picture.

Quick Start

Here is a sample Android project on GitHub that demonstrates the Bambuser Live Video Shopping Player SDK integration.

Go to GitHub Repo


  • Minimum supported version is Android 8 (API 26)
  • Target is Android 14 (API 34)

Check out the SDK's requirements on GitHub.

Getting started

Add dependencies

The SDK is available on a Maven repository, which you can access and add it to your project by following the setup instructions on GitHub.

Initialize the player

Once you have added the dependencies, it is time to start the player.

  • See the sample code here.


    To initialize a player, there are a few parameters that need to be provided:

    • Show ID
      Show ID is a unique ID associated with a Bambuser Live show. In the Bambuser workspace, you can use the Show ID of an existing show or create a test show for your experiments.
    • Configurations
    • Event handlers


You will also need to set up the Configuration object to configure how the player behaves and looks.

Event handling

The player will emit events of the type LVSPlayerEvent through the EventObserver interface, which you can listen to.

  • See a full list of observable events

    Required event handlers

    Some user interactions will not be functional unless the app owner defines how they should behave. Here is a list of events that require to be handled:

    • PDPEvent.OnOpenClicked
      Suggested action: Navigate the user to the product's screen.
    • OnProductHighlightClicked
      (If Configuration.enableProductDetailsPage is false) Suggested action: Navigate the user to the product's screen.
    • OnAddToCalendar
      Suggested action: Add a calendar event natively. It is a good practice that you include a link that can redirect users to the event's page on your application or/and website. You can also add the showId as a parameter to the link, which gives you the possibility to automatically play the show right after the user is redirected to your app.
    • OnShare
      Suggested action: Share the event link natively. It is a good practice that your constructed link can redirect users to the event's page on your application or/and website. You can also add the showId as a parameter to the link, which gives you the possibility to automatically play the show right after the user is redirected to your app.
    • OnCartClicked
      Suggested action: Navigate the user to your app's cart screen.
    • OnTermsAndConditionsLinkClicked
      Suggested action: Navigate the user to your terms and conditions activity or open the link in a browser.
    • OnChatMessageLinkClicked
      Suggested action: Check if the link refers to a page that has a screen within your app and redirect the user there. Otherwise, open the link in a browser.

What does it look like?

The player SDK upgraded the UI of the player to version 2.0, which included the improvement in both UI, functionality, and user flow.

  • On mobile
    It currently only supports the portrait view.
  • On tablet
    It supports only the landscape view.

Features roadmap

✅ Supported features

The native SDK comes with functionality to customize player behavior, control the UI, and handle events and user interactions. It gives you the capabilities to do the following:

  • Picture-in-picture
  • Engagement features like chat, likes, and interaction with products
  • A lite version of in-player PDP or the event of opening your PDP
  • Event for handling your cart
  • Multiple languages
  • Hide the UI elements
  • Customized theming
  • Conversion tracking
  • Tracking the behaviors of shoppers
  • Full PDP
  • Cart Integration
  • And more…

🛠️ Under development

Below, you can see what we are currently working on adding to the SDK. We will always work on implementing new features, functions, and capabilities.

Next Release


If you need any of the unsupported features now, feel free to check out WebView integration. With Webview integration, you can take advantage of almost all available features available on the web integration of the Bambuser Live Video Shopping player but on your native mobile app.