Bambuser launches landscape mode, bringing 16:9 cinematic experience to Live Video Shopping


Our goal is to make sure that both merchants and shoppers have the best experience with our platform. After beta testing the landscape feature with several brands and retailers already using Bambuser’s platform, it is now available for all Bambuser One-to-Many customers. Brands and retailers can immediately leverage the feature for both new and previously recorded Live Video Shopping events.

During beta testing, the use of the landscape format correlated to increased conversion rates. The Matas event featured influencer, TV host, journalist Annette Heick and her husband, renowned chef Jesper Vollmer. ALTERNATE leveraged the format for its special Star Wars Day livestream, which highlighted select, licensed sets available in the store’s LEGO SHOP. 

“As a mobile-first platform that has been building our technology since the early days of the smartphone phones, our Live Video Shopping technology has, to date, focused on the vertical viewing experience. Now that Live Video Shopping is being more widely adopted by brands and retailers, the productions are increasing to a point where a more cinematic aspect ratio is a fitting complement,” said Jesper Funck, Chief Product Officer at Bambuser.

Watch the video below and read the press release to learn more

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