Go Live Faster Than Ever with the New iOS Broadcaster App


Since 2019, our iOS Broadcaster app has led the industry because it makes Live Shopping easily available by hosting almost all of the broadcasting process within any mobile device.

The Bambuser Broadcaster app enables the brands who leverage One-to-Many to go live quickly, easily and spontaneously while maintaining a high-quality livestream that connects them with thousands of customers. To host a successful Live Shopping event there really is no need for a big budget with lots of planning, or to hook up to RTMP or have a whole team on standby.

With this update we've put everything in one place. Every component you need to go live now lives within the iOS Broadcaster app. Plus, it now looks even better with an updated UI that makes the user experience even more intuitive and sleek.

On the surface our design team has done an amazing job giving the app a more native Bambuser look and feel, and in the backend we’ve made some smart changes to allow us to add more features in the future.

Here is what’s new in Bambuser’s iOS Broadcaster app:


Swipe through your Live Shopping shows

Thanks to an all-new carousel feature you can now navigate through your Live Shopping events with ease. With a bird’s-eye view you can switch between your upcoming and ended shows with a simple swipe motion that feels more familiar.

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