The 3 Best Ways to Create Meaningful Live Shopping Content


Going live regularly with One-to-Many is not only a proven way to create conversion, it’s also a way to build measurable brand loyalty.

But it can be hard to continuously come up with new content ideas, especially if your brand has an ambitious livestreaming schedule.

So, to help keep your live shows relevant and engaging, our Head of Bambuser Academy, Cecilia Demant has put these three vital approaches together.


The Collaborative Approach

This approach is planning your shows around what your customers really want to see, ensuring they run smoothly and pull crowds of customers who are invested because of their influence.

The most simple way to find out what your customers want to see is to ask them in social posts. Try a month where you post a question or a poll the day before you go live and see if your viewership rises.  

Another way is within your live shows. When first going live, set the theme and pin a question to the top of the chat, then let your audience dictate where you go from there. Ask questions like “What do you want to see and why?”. They might want in-depth product demos or new ideas on how to use them day-to-day.

Top tip: Be flexible.

Avoid awkward ‘dead air’ and deliver a more enriching experience by ensuring your host embraces unplanned topics your customers want to discuss.  

Why would this work for your brand?
This approach isn’t only designed to increase viewers, it’ll also save you time, effort and budget spent on planning.

Lots of our clients with smaller budgets use the collaborative approach (especially when launching Live Shopping) because  it puts them ahead of competition by knowing what their customers want from the get-go.


2. The Data-Driven Approach

There are a few different ways to execute this approach, but any way is perfect if your brand doesn’t have much time to brainstorm show ideas.

First, try repurposing old content posted on channels like Instagram, TikTok or Youtube, and use One-to-Many to create evergreen shows touching on the same topics. Not only will you have an existing bank of show ideas, you’ll have shows that can live on your site for as long as you want.

Second, use your most relevant search engine keywords to plan your content. Use Google Analytics to run a keyword analysis to determine how your customers find you. This info will hint to what problems your customers want to be solved.

Top tip: Get an added bonus.

Not only does this approach increase your likelihood of viewers, it also improves your SEO efficiency at the same time.

Why would this work for your brand?

This approach really is for everyone because it’s an efficient way to keep your Live Shopping on-topic and it’s the best way to amplify your brand’s DNA and USPs.

It also reduces the need to spend time brainstorming show ideas and it’s perfect if your brand has strict guidelines that don’t allow for customers to dictate the themes behind your shows.


3. The Holistic Approach

Finally we have The Holistic Approach, designed for trend-setting brands in touch with relevant hot topics.

This approach requires immersing yourself in your industry’s latest trends, as well having a strong creative skillset and a healthy brainstorming schedule. It takes dedication but if executed correctly it can yield some truly incredible results.

Bambuser recommends using trend analysis tools such as Google Trends to track the popular language and topics that are relevant to your brand. Use this data to plan unmissable, relevant and reactive live shows that your customers won’t want to miss.  

Top tip: Get ahead of your competition.

Go live faster in the future by planning shows that cover industry events you predict might happen.

Why would this work for your brand?

This approach is ideal if you have a dedicated Live Shopping or social media team, or if you’re working with production or social agencies.


The bottom line is...

The best approach for you is whichever suits your brand. Maybe a combination is best for you, like using the collaborative and data-driven approaches to create bread-and-butter content and saving the holistic approach for bigger events.
If you’re a Bambuser client you can watch this Bambuser Academy class, packed with tips on how to maximize your revenue with exciting live shows.

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