Industry Insight
January 2024

4 Steps to Make Short-Form Video a Game-Changer

Smiling woman watching a Bambuser live video on her phone.

Short-form content has taken the internet by storm in recent years and we have TikTok to thank for it. The famous app has transformed the social media landscape and has quickly become the preferred platform and search engine for Gen Z consumers, with millennials quickly following suit. Short-form video content, also often referred to as bite-sized content, is king and it’s easy to understand why: quick video snippets are engaging, fun, easy to digest and demand little attention from your audience.

But how can you draw inspiration from the “Tiktokification” of online content in your video commerce strategy and, most importantly, why should you? Let’s look at some stats and learn about the four ways in which you can use TikTok-inspired bite-sized video to reshape your e-commerce strategy.


#1 Jump on the Trend Wagon

According to ‘’The State of Influencer Marketing’’ report released by Bambuser in 2023, 50% of users say that TikTok boosts their mood and makes them feel happy with 40% of TikTok users saying that “lifting their spirits” is key in motivating them to make a purchase. You can start leveraging these facts in your own video commerce efforts by simply looking at what’s trending on TikTok itself. Are any topics especially popular at the moment? Is there a certain viral trend that you can use on your own videos for easy recognition and instant connection with your audience?

Try tapping into gimmicks and trendy topics in your video commerce live shows to help you capture attention from the start as you promote new product launches or upcoming events. But remember, TikTok gimmicks tend to die out quickly, so we suggest you still invest in your evergreen content in parallel.

Short-form video content, also often referred to as bite-sized content, is king and it’s easy to understand why: quick video snippets are engaging, fun, easy to digest and demand little attention from your audience.

#2 Use your PDPs to Boost Sales

Viral trends aside, tapping into the power of bite-sized video can go a long way in helping you achieve your sales goals.

With product detail pages (PDPs) becoming more and more important for brands in recent years - with companies often driving traffic to these high converting pages more than their website’s homepage - they have also become the preferred spot for video content. And if you combine the power of an optimized PDP with bite-sized content, then the sky's the limit.

At Bambuser, we’ve seen brands achieve tremendous success by placing short video snippets on their PDPs. In fact, one of our most prominent clients in the fashion space has seen conversion double after adding short-form video to some of their PDPs and reached an impressive 82% uplift in sales.

Worth a try, right?

#3 Make it Easy to Find

According to the same Bambuser research, 40% of Gen Z consumers prefer using TikTok instead of Google for search, as it is more likely to return personalized results.

However, TikTok is notorious for drowning out content due to the sheer volume of videos on the platform, and it can be very difficult to find specific videos again after you’ve viewed them. This is where your opportunity lies: make sure your video commerce content is easy to find on your website. Double down on easy navigation and search functionality and optimize videos and meta data by using your most relevant keywords, so your audience can quickly filter what they need as your content library grows. This also ensures your content stays profitable, even on demand.

Double down on easy navigation and search functionality and optimize videos and meta data by using your most relevant keywords, so your audience can quickly filter what they need as your content library grows.

#4 Shorten and Repurpose

An impressive 65% of TikTok users state that they always rely on online reviews and creator recommendations to decide what to buy online.

Shortening and repurposing your video commerce content with inspiration from TikTok and publishing it both on your website and across all of your social media channels is a great opportunity to expand your reach and meet your ideal shoppers wherever they are. As Instagram, YouTube and Facebook offer similar experiences within short format video, you can easily publish bite-sized snippets from your video commerce events on all of these platforms.

As an example, If you host a live show styling five different outfits for spring, why not create five separate short-form videos showcasing each outfit? This is an excellent opportunity for cross-platform promotion and you also have the option to make those short-form videos shoppable on your website and on Facebook, by taking advantage of Social Selling, boosting engagement and sales, all at once.

By applying these four simple steps, you can see your short videos come to life and take your e-commerce strategy to new heights.

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