Commercial Definitions

Bam Hub

means a hub enabling the Customer to set up and manage Calls/Live Video/Stored Video, add and remove Authorized Users, add and remove products to be displayed in the Call/Live Video/Stored Video, moderate the product display and moderate the chat function.  The hub is restricted to one country and one language only. It is not permitted to change the language nor country during the subscription term. Such change shall be subject to additional fees.

Video Commerce Platform

The Bambuser Video Commerce Platform consists of one or more Bambuser Hubs enabling Customers to activate, access and use various Bambuser services associated with both the One-to-Many and One-to-One solutions through different subscription license models.

Specific definitions
to One-to-One


means an individual presenting and displaying products and/or other information in a Call. An Agent is an Authorized User. 

Booked Call

means a Call arranged and scheduled in advance. A Booked Call shall be considered billable when its duration exceeds twenty (20) seconds.


means a call between an Agent and the recipient. A Call shall be considered billable when its duration exceeds twenty (20) seconds.

Specific definitions
to One-to-Many

Live Video

means a live streamed video or a simulated live stream from a pre-recorded video to an audience greater than one (1) viewer.

Published Video

means any video stored in the Bambuser video commerce platform, being set to “published”.


means the total amount of video data stored in the Bambuser video commerce platform expressed in gigabytes.


means a view of a Live Video or a Published Video with a minimum viewing length of five (5) seconds.

Bambuser will monitor the Customer’s usage during the Subscription Term. In the event Customer exceeds the permitted license allowance, Customer will be subject to additional fees to be invoiced by Bambuser monthly or quarterly in arrears, at Bambuser’s sole discretion.
Upon the renewal of a subscription term, the Customer’s Published Videos under the relevant subscription license will transfer to the subsequent subscription term.

The #1 virtual commerce platform making video shoppable

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