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Enable the Miniplayer

When a customer is ready to proceed to your native checkout page to complete the purchase the Calls Widget will emit an event goto-checkout indicating that customer should get redirected to your native checkout page.

It might be more convenient to have the Calls Widget minimized and "float" on top of your website when the customer taps the Go to checkout button. Instead of ending the call or opening the checkout page in a new tab, the Calls Widget can just float on top of your checkout page and the customer can checkout while still interacting with an agent.

To achieve this, you will need to enable miniplayer as instructed below.


Your website should be allowed to be rendered within an <iframe> while the ancestor of the <iframe> is your website.

If your website is an SPA (Single Page Application), you can however skip the overlay <iframe>, in which case the above requirement does not apply to you.

Compatibility & Requirements

The miniplayer player might not be compatible with all websites. Read more about the compatibility & requirements here.


Due to Shopify's technical limitations, the Miniplayer feature is not compatible with Shopify stores.


You can enable the miniplayer by opening the checkout page with the floatAbove(url) method.


window.onBambuserOneToOneReady = function(BambuserOneToOneEmbed) {
let oneToOneEmbed = new BambuserOneToOneEmbed({ /* embed config */ });
oneToOneEmbed.on('goto-checkout', () => {


Miniplayer FAQ

To disable the Miniplayer you need to:

  • Handle goto-checkout event so the checkout page opens in a new tab/same tab

    oneToOneEmbed.on('goto-checkout', (event) => {
    // Open checkout url in new tab and allow call to continue in current tab'https://your-checkout-url-here', '_blank');
    // Open checkout url in the same tab force closes the widget'https://your-checkout-url-here', '_top');

By default, the Calls Widget is minimized to the bottom right corner of the website. However, the viewer is free to drag the Calls Widget around the screen afterward.